

Divergence, a collective in search of knowledge de-centration

Divergence, as a body of thought and knowledge production, has held a sustained and permanent debate based on the social sciences for some years now. Having as a nub the standard of cultural decentralization, most of the initiatives that we have carried out have involved researchers from various parts of the planet. The experiences of theoretical deliberation and practical research undertaken by these researchers constitute the raw material for the construction of new proposals to look at social reality from a critical perspective. In Divergence, we mainly ask ourselves what is the role of the peripheral knowledge nodes. We debate about their transcendence in order to propose new ideas. We ask ourselves what does periphery mean and on what basis is such a notion defined? Based in Paris, our collective has been holding seminars and permanent discussion sessions within the EHESS for the last four years. We have consistently featured interventions by actors from various regions of the world. We devote particular emphasis to research carried out by scholars from, on and about the peripheral regions of the world. The topics we analyze are diverse but always imply a deep ponder on the place from which the research is imagined, designed, and carried out. From several disciplines of the social sciences we attempt to keep the debate active.


L’Association Divergence est une association de chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales dont les principaux objectifs sont:

– Promouvoir et mettre en valeur les recherches en sciences humaines et sociales dĂ©veloppĂ©es par des chercheurs avec des approches alternatives aux cadres disciplinaires hĂ©gĂ©moniques;

– Encourager les Ă©changes et les dialogues interculturels et transdisciplinaires ;

– Diffuser ce type des recherches Ă  travers des publications et l’organisation de colloques, de sĂ©minaires et d’autres Ă©vènements Ă  caractère scientifique

– Soutenir la crĂ©ation de rĂ©seaux internationaux de chercheurs et doctorants intĂ©ressĂ©s par ce type des recherches

– Diffuser des informations concernant les diffĂ©rents types de financement pour la recherche, les bourses d’Ă©tudes, les allocations, les appels d’offres et candidatures pour des postes de recherche, colloques et publications susceptibles d’intĂ©resser les membres de ces rĂ©seaux


Divergence is a not-for-profit association gathering  scholars in humanities and social sciences whose main objectives are:

– Promote research initiatives in human and social sciences developed by scholars from alternative approaches to the hegemonic frameworks;

– Encourage intercultural and transdisciplinary exchanges and dialogues;

– Endorse the circulation and diffusion of this type of research through publications and organization of conferences, symposiums, seminars, workshops and other scientific events;

– Support the creation of international researcher networks scholars and  Ph.D. students interested in this type of research and approaches;

– Distribute information concerning the different types of funding for research, scholarships, grants, calls for proposals and applications for research posts, symposiums, and publications in social sciences and humanities.